Join IANTD and Warren T. Mount (Tom) Ph.D. Th.D. for a live presentation:
When: May 26th 2020
What time: 11:00 am (USA Eastern Time) / GMT -4
Subject: Gas Management & Deep Diving – Then and Now.
Presentation (FREE to all public)
Language: English
Presentation link: https://join.me/704-548-597
Access Code: 704-548-597

Tom Mount
At age of 9 Tom begin physical training commencing with a Charles Atlas training program combined with boxing. From that beginning he evolved into various styles of martial arts and different conditioning systems. At age 81 Tom continues to workout. He played football, ran track etc. At age 12 Tom saw the movie Navy Frogman starring Richard Winmark and vowed he would be a diver.

Tom is a diving pioneer in cave and mixed gas l diving in both OC and Rebreathers.

Tom is an Aquanaut He was one of the founding members of the USA’s first Cave diver training agency NACD. He has been the training director the YMCA SCUBA program. – Diving Officer University Miami Rosensteil School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences where he introduced the first graduate school use of mixed gas in 1971. Tom is the CEO of IANTD.

Tom is an accomplished Martial artist. His pursuits have included both the martial aspects and the healing aspects based on energy and meridians (pressure points etc.) . Tom is a three-time inductee to the United States Martial Arts Association Hall of Fame. He has achieved the level of Grand Master.

Tom has a 100-ton Captains license, instrument and multi engine pilot, he has been a team member in offshore power boat racing as a driver.. He has worked with film crews such as Benjamin, Stoneman, Cousteau’s, Valletti and others on both TV series and documentaries.

His awards include:

NOGI sports education 2000
Beneath the seas diver of the year in education 2003
NACD 20th anniversary award (as one of the founders)
Our world underwater appreciation award for contributing to our world underwater concept
Rebreather world life time contributor 2007
Eurotek 2016 life time achievement 2016
NAUI outstanding service 2019
Recognition by NOAA
Listed in Diving Almanac in Who’s Who
And various other awards.

